
Wifebeaters should be outlawed around me.

It's official. I am going to drive myself insane by the end of my lifetime. Sometimes my head and my heart react SO differently. Like that guy at work I was telling you about yesterday? well today I was all goofy and crazy. He said I had the craziest mood swings he had ever seen. He apparently knew I was mad at him. I told him I had had a bad day and that him having a sass attack at me had just made me errupt. He said "Whatever". Dork-a-saur.
Anyways what I really wanted to say in this post is that there is a reason I stopped being friends with boys.
Rule #1 they are gross, either mentally or physically.
Rule #2 if they have somehow avoided #1 and they make me laugh I find myself liking them.
Enter awkwardness.
Thats right folks, I have faulty wiring. Sure it's usually never more than a little attraction here or there, but sometimes it ends terribly. The one I've got on my mind really isn't that big of a deal...except it's been awhile since I've had guy friends.
Thats a pet peeve I have at BYUI all the guys are looking for wives not friends. Kinda stupid if you ask me. Whatever. So yeah.

p.s. you're not supposed to understand that title.

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