
I like being clean. Showers are mandatory for my life.

I am so so so so sorry that I've been slacking on the whole bliggity bloggity thing. I am just so busy! I work 5 days a week at Kona and guess what! I switched to nights there next week so I can also work at Beverly's during the day! HUZZAH! Moneys moneys. But sadly this means pretty much everything else in my life will be slacked in. Such as, bliggity bloggiting. Perhaps I will make it a Saturday morning ritual. We shall see. And It's especially sad because I have all these little rants and things that I want to get out of my head, but never seem to get out onto the keyboard. I love the sound of the keyboard as my thoughts flow into cyberspace, especially being accompanied by Elvis Costello's Juliet Letters, which might simply be one of my favoritest albums of all time. Well on to todays topic.

I have this friend, we will call her D, D has always been a little bit off. I knew that I was different from other people and tried to respect their position on what normal is and what isn't, but D....sometimes I don't think she really understands what society is. Well D and I got along.....decently. We were best friends for awhile, but the kind of best friends that you kind of didn't want to hang out with and when you did hang out with them they just embarassed you in front of all your other friends. This was high school so it was kind of a big deal. I started only hanging out with her at her house so then we didn't have to be seen in public together. I know I sound like a terrible friend, but if you had ANY idea of how hard it was not to just smack her you would understand. But don't get me wrong! D and I were friends, there were parts of her that I loved. She knew me inside and out. She could make me laugh so hard. There was just a big part of her that just drove me up a freaking wall. Well we had a bit of a falling out and when we graduated from high school I figured I would never see her again.I thought she would disappear into the sunset and she would be a funny story to tell my grandkids. Well we have a mutual friend who knew how we both felt about the situation, we'll call her L. L was a bit of a mixture of me and D. She knew how we both felt about the situation, but she was a little more me so she hoped D would mellow out with age. L would let me know if she heard anything from D and she'd let D know what I was up to. Well D disappeared for about 6 months....not really a big suprise to me, the suprise was that she came back. Now that she is back and living with her parents they have her come to church with them, which is where I ran into her. So that escalated to us hanging out for a day over by the mall. I would not advise that. I remember why I swore off public places. But we made plans to hang out at her house last night. She told me all sorts of stories from her traveling, as if she almost pityed me. I kept wanting to tell her how much I would hate that life. Sure I would love to have a bunch of adventure stories and have seen so many places, but I would not have been happy to do it the way she did it. We were just sitting there, me with my guitar, her with her ukelele, and these lyrics popped into my head. "and you'd love me to fly free with you byt my feet are tied to this anchor and I don't feel like cutting the rope. Because I love the solid ground and I'd rather not fly. don't beg me to join you in the sky because I'd have to gently decline. I'm sure you'll say I'm just ignoring my dreams but I've always wanted to ahve something solid under my feet" So sure some people would love to travel and be free and ignore the world and just exist in the moment, but me, personally, I enjoy stability. I have always been searching for a rock in this sea of life and I'm not about to let a meandering buoy call me out into the waves. So yeah. Thats my thoughts for the day.

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