
And trhis is why I love Matt

My Letter
"How do you always know what I need to hear? I am done with school for the semester and I think I'm going to pass all of my classes. I have the joy of staying up all night tonight to white glove my apartment. Oh joy. Anyways, earlier today I was reading through some stuff that I wrote when you first left and I thought I should send it to you. So here it is "I miss you like heck. I miss burying my face in your chest and breathing you in. I miss texting you whenever something made me think of you, or made me laugh. I miss the way your hair was straight but curled around your ears. I miss the way you made me feel when you smiled at me. I miss the way my insides shook with excitment, fear, joy whenever you were around. I miss the way we always discussed your girlfriends even though you knew I secretly hated them. I miss the way you loved my mother and you could make her smile. I loved the way you would sit close to me on the couch and whisper silly comments in my ear. I miss the way you could make me laugh no matter how shitty of a day I had. I miss the way you told me not to complain when I was being a baby. I miss the way your voice changed when you realized I was really in trouble, or scared. I miss the way I could text you in the middle of the night and you didn’t mind. I miss saying good night to you ever night. I miss wanting you here, because even now, when I am in pain, I can’t wish you were here. I can’t betray either of us that way."I'll write more later, but I dunno....I just felt like I needed to send that to you. I miss you Matthew Gaile Ingram.-Amanda Jane Hatton"
And this is what he said back
"amanda. you are a beautiful person. and i had no idea i had such a great impact on your life and i will cherish what you said thats a great i felt like poem, and the part about the girl friends made me laugh."


  1. who is Matt? creative blog....you should love yourself Amanda, you are a great person

  2. Matt is one of my best friends who is 5 months into his mission in North Carolina
