
If you die I'll be alone

I should really be asleep right now, but I can't go to bed with this in my head. I took some nyquil at 8 so please keep in mind I am extremely drugged. I was watching the new episode of House and Wilson is going to under go surgery and asks House to be there. House says no because "If you die I'll be alone". I don't think words have hit me more poignantly than those ones. I started to think who the world would feel empty if they were no longer around. I thought of my family, those connected to me by blood and those I have forged into my own little family. In the end I came down to a rather short list.
My Mom
My Dad
My Sisters
My Brother
and Matt.
Those are the 7 people I wouldn't know how to move on without. I know all of them would be fine and waiting for me on the other side, but I can't gaurentee I would wait very long to join them. I know this is rather morbid, but it kind of makes me feel safe. It makes me feel like I've really made connections in my life. I am not one of those people who have pushed people away so they can survive on their own. I had a friend die when we were young, in the prime of our lives, and I'm the first to admit I wasn't very close to him. But the loss of him forged me and a lot of my other friends into different people than we normally would be. I know I wouldn't be who I am if he had lived. I am thankful for every day I am alive and for every day these people are alive next to me. I honestly don't know what I would do without these people in my life.
So to all of those you who read this
If you die I'll be alone.

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