
Lottery Ticket

So I went and saw Lottery Ticket last night. It was a pretty silly movie, but it got me thinking.
What would I do if I had the money? Any money at all really.

First thing I would do is get my best friend out of the ghetto. My best friend has lived her whole life with disease, poverty and living in the roughest of neighborhoods in Chicago. She has gone into debt trying to help her family and to remain in some standing of health. If I ever make any kind of money that is the first thing I will do. My sister asked if she would stay out, like since thats all she knows she’d revert to it. But I don’t care. I just can’t leave her there. I would help her out once, but if she went back it wouldn’t be my fault and she couldn’t complain.

The next thing I would do beside helping my family would make a scholarship to benefit children of people with Bipolar disorder. My father has battled with it his whole life and it has effected my whole family. Part of bipolar disorder is starting projects and quitting halfway through. Throughout my life my dad has spent all of our money on 3 businesses and then gave up. Also it’s very difficult for them to hold a job. Having frequent emotional outbursts is not conducive to many jobs and so we’ve depended on my mom (a real estate agent) to pay any bills. When it came to college of my siblings and I had to find our own way. I don’t really expect much help, but its difficult to do everything on my own. I looked to find scholarships for this specific purpose because it is the main reason we don’t have the money. There are absolutely none for this specific thing. So that’s what I would do next. There is enough trouble in these families without the pressure of paying for school.

For the rest of my life, or the money, I would spend it traveling and finding people who are talented. I have always loved books and art and movies and music. I have always wanted to excel in these things, but I’ve only been mediocre. I want to start a publishing company where I could publish any of these mediums and give a shot to underprivileged artists. I would only allow 3 books or albums to be published through our company for each artist. That way our money isn’t funneling into an already established artist, but rather giving an opportunity to those just starting out. I would love to spend my life meeting writers and musicians who would give anything for their break. But it wouldn’t be about the stardom. I would avoid those artists and seek out the artists who are seeking to connect people, to make a better world.

I know this is all a romantic delusion. Hoping I could make a difference in the world for the people like me, but I would love to do all of this. I’d also buy myself a modest flat in London and one in LA. Nothing big or fancy, just enough to live and base my business out of. Why is it that the people who don’t do anything useful with their money are the ones who get rich? I would help the hearts of so many individuals.

1 comment:

  1. crazy lady.... that movie looked sooo dumb but I still love you even tho you saw it. You are just a good person for helping others with your gambling money lol.
