Well that's not what I'm writting my essay on. I'm writting it on the correlation between rain and Fredric's emotions. Well at least that's what I'm trying to write it on. I only have 2 more paragraphs to go and I just can't seem to get them out. BLEH. 
On another note there are only 9 more school days before I get to head down to Salt Lake and see some people I love dearly. Then head home and see more people I love dearly. And then see the ocean. People who have never lived near the ocean can't understand this, but it's this calling, this yearning that afflicts some of us. I hate sand, I have really sensitive eyes so the ocean is rough on them, but I put up with that so that I can experience it. The boiling hot sun with the freezing water. The sticky sand and the extreme thirst that occurs after swimming. Add that all up and you get one of the most beautiful experiences ever. It's like magic. That is the best way to describe. Add up all of the things that aren't very good and you get a wonderfull thing. It's odd but thats what the ocean is to me.
Recently I got in contact with a friend of mine. He's had a lot of troubles in his life and we hardly know each other, but I was there at a really hard point in his life last winter. Well I found out he lives in Salt Lake now. I'm really hoping I get to see him.He has been one of the inspirations in my life. He's a creator and one of the most amazing creators I've met. He's so talented and I really wish him the best. Being Mormon I don't get tatoos, but if I did I would get the one he and I designed when we were 14. Those were wonderful times and I miss them and him. Maybe one day I'll do a computer generated version of the tatoo and post it on here.
On another note I had a good long talk with a friend here about the complications we've faced with our best guy friends. I was talking to another friend about it and she said it all boiled down to the fact that "men and women can't be friends. One will always want more than the other". My whole life I've been told that. I have not believed it for a second! I think that would be the most heartbreaking tragedy if it were true and maybe it's true in some cases, but not in mine. Sure there are guy friends who I want more with, but that doesn't mean our friendship is doomed. I was talking to this same friend about how I am a tomboy. Always have been, always will be. I'm just not a girly girl. I'm not going to change my self for anyone or anything. I was raised by a strong woman who did what she wanted wether or not it fit into gender roles. I had an older brother I ADORED and tried to emulate. I had one sister who taught me that I chose my own personality. If I wanted to be happy well heck I could be happy no matter what the situation. I had another sister who raised me to be tough and not care what others said and to NEVER BE FAKE. Then when I was 14 I joined drumline. I knew who I was and I was fine with it. I didn't try to change myself because I
was suddenly surrounded by all guys. I embraced it, but didn't change. It was then that I realized the reason I had never been able to have a friendship with a girl for more than a few years. I just don't get along with girls. Simple matter of fact. It wasn't until 2 girls joined drumline. My junior year of high school was an eye opening experience. It was then that I realized that I had been trying to be friends with all the wrong types of girls. I guess what I'm trying to say is that guys and girls can be friends, it just takes the right kind of people.
This is a really random and unconnected post, but it's what I've been thinking about lately.
What about me? Mom, Jess and Nick....no me?
ReplyDeleteSorry, it has been remedied! LOVE YOOUUUUU