Lately in my life I've felt stuffy. Like I'm stuck somewhere with all the windows closed. Last night a window was thrown open and a gust of cool fresh air found it's way into my heart. Last night I had the deep and awe inspiring pleasure to see Ace Enders. For those of you who don't know who he is he was the singer for The Early November, and just released a new album under Ace Enders and A Million Different People. I loved the latest EN album and I ADORED the new Ace album so I knew I wanted to go. The opening bands were good. Got to see Person L, Kenny from the Starting Line's new band. I had seen Ace walking back and forth all night an
d he was just how I imagined him. Quite, mild mannered and adorable. A true sweet heart. Then it was time for them to play. I cant' describe what it was like to see him sing. I was screaming along to all the songs and enjoying the moment. He is a meek person and his music is usually pretty mellow, but up there on stage each song was recreated. He growled, he screamed, he ooohd and ahhhd. He was pure and alive and in turn we were pure and alive. It's like closing your eyes and jumping into a cold pool of water. It's dark and you're alone, but you're more alive than you've ever been. Your skin is tingling like it's on fire. You're sweating a storm, but chills are running down your spine. I was at awe of his stage presence. When he sang "Bring Back Love (Year 2020)" I knew I was going to cry. That is by far my favorite of his songs and he took a second before the end to instruct the crowd. He asked us to sing along, but only if we meant it. For those of you who don't know the last 1/4 of that song is just the words Bring Back Love repeated over and over. It was as we all sang along to that song when I truly felt apart of it all. At all of the great concerts I've been to I find that there is this moment where the crowd and the band become one. They are all on the same page and believing in that moment. That happened twice last night. At the end of Bring Back Love as the world stopped and we truly sang to bring back love, but also at the encore. The second time was when it was just Ace after the encore playing one last song for us. It was "I want to hear you sad". I honestly have never heard that song before, but in that moment it didn't matter. It
was slowed down and it was as if our souls left our bodies and were shooting a million rays of light out of them. It was a magical moment that I can only go back to when I close my eyes. So many times in our lives we lose what we love most, we forget the times we were truly happy. I don't get to go out to shows nearly enough, but because of that when I do they're magical. I'm so blessed to be able to experience such music. I will go see Ace any chance I can get because he is just so amazing. I can't even fully describe it on here. It's like he saw me, knew me, and destroyed me. Then as he sang he rebuilt me. A beautiful and terrifying experience.

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