So in the past year I've gone from accepting I'll be an English teacher, to deciding no matter what happens I want to be a rock star, and loving the idea of being an English teacher. I came to the realization about a month ago that what I really want to do is connect people. To bring them to an understanding that they are not alone in this world and that if they need help there is a wide network of people who can understand their problems. That's what music does for me. When I am having a bad day I put on my headphones and listen to some specific songs and then I know I'm not alone. I know there are people who have the same problems as me because that's what they're singing about through my headphones. I know that I'm not alone because I know there are others out there listening to the same song feeling the same way. In coming to this realization I realized how much I have grown up in the last year. I am now to a point in my life where I am OK with admitting that I am just like everyone else. Sure I have my unique trials and quirks, but when you really look at me I'm just a normal kid. And you know what? I'm finally OK with that. But back to my career goal. So I'm not sure how I want to do it, there are plenty of things out there that connect people. There is facebook, myspace, postsecret, all forms of music, unwrittenlettersproject.com, books, magazines, helplines, TWLOHA, and so many others! And you know what, I don't really feel the need to stick out. I don't need to be the leading edge on this. I just want to connect people. Whenever I think about writing books or singing my own music it's not so I can become famous, or host VH1's I love the 2000's(which would be really cool). I want to write music so I can get this ache outside of me. There is a broken hollow part inside of me that never is truly healed unless I'm writing or playing. I think that's what drives the best musicians, they need to heal that part of themselves. That's why I want to write, to heal myself and to connect others. To let them know they don't have to go through life alone. What worries me is that I've always labeled myself as an acceptor. In my theory there are 2 types of people creators and acceptors. Creators are the ones who develop their own life style, they go by their own code, whatever they decide to do they develop their own way of doing it. Acceptors appreciate the creators or not. A creator doesn't necessarily have to create art, they just don't follow others. Acceptors go according to previous creators paths or simply appreciate what they make. In my life I've always been an acceptor. I've been the person who looks at everyone and sees what talents the

y have and what beautiful lives they're creating and see my own and realize I'm following a prefabricated life. I've tried to get off of it before, but it never ends up working. I just don't think I can connect people unless I find a way to become a creator. I can't heal myself unless I become a creator. Whenever I do try and become a creator I feel like an impostor, like a fraud. I know I can write, but a novel? They never sound right. I know I can sing, but my songs? Always slow and mournful, never the happy rock songs I want to create. So my goal for this next year is to learn how to connect with people. Well I just realized something. I realized I connect people with my jokes. I'm not a comedian by far, but I'm funnier than the average person. I don't think I could use that to make a life where I connect people though. Perhaps a youtube video or a tv show. All I know is a I want to connect.
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