Today was a long day, worked 4 hours and scrubbed off pieces of my skin! Yeah, not too happy about that, but overall a rather good day. This evening after a rather long institute (long in my mind because I was exhausted to start with) my sister and I stopped at 7/11 to get sodas. If any of you know my family you know we drink diet coke like a fish swims in water. Some of you may say but wait it's late! All that caffeine in your system will prevent you from sleep. Caffeine stopped effecting my system at the age of 17. Others of you may say it's so bad for your teeth! It is going to rot your teeth. And to tell you the truth, the thought has come to my mind once or twice. I had a very good dentist once tell me to stop drinking soda or to cut back completely. Now I did stop drinking for awhile, but I have cut back dramatically from where I once was. I used to drink it diet soda like it was water....oh wait I didn't drink water yeah I drank it instead of water. But now that I don't drink it nearly as often I find that it tastes so much better. Today as we were driving home after a day that had been nothing of what I had expected I took a deep drink. I was taken out of that moment and that time and I was in a sweet bubbly world. Something that I could depend on. A day that nothing had been dependable was salvaged by the taste that was completely dependable. As some of you know I am a huge Sarah Dessen fan. If you have not read any of her novels go find a copy of
This Lullaby
It's a great novel! and here is a little quote that kind of inspired this blog. "Some things don't last forever, but some things do. Like a good song, or a good book, or a good memory you can take out and unfold in your darkest times, pressing down the corners and peering in close hoping you still recognize the person you see there" (344).
So thats the message for today!
On a completely separate note today I realized how little I like people who force me to conform. I was minding my own business doing the dishes at work and this girl told me I was lining the dishes up wrong. I asked her how so. She said that the dishes all went the other direction in the drying rack. I asked her why and she said "......well it's just the way everybody else does it". I looked at her and continued stacking the dishes my way. She came back later and noted that I was still stacking dishes my way. I said "Yes, thats the way I think it is most logical and thats the way I'm doing it." She harumphed at me and left. I just wanted to poke her in the face. Mer. Why did she have to try and make me change such a stupid thing? Oh well. Good night world. I need to put more neosporin on the missing parts of finger.
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