Don't read this post if you're happy.
A familiar....taste
It's a great novel! and here is a little quote that kind of inspired this blog. "Some things don't last forever, but some things do. Like a good song, or a good book, or a good memory you can take out and unfold in your darkest times, pressing down the corners and peering in close hoping you still recognize the person you see there" (344).
So thats the message for today!
On a completely separate note today I realized how little I like people who force me to conform. I was minding my own business doing the dishes at work and this girl told me I was lining the dishes up wrong. I asked her how so. She said that the dishes all went the other direction in the drying rack. I asked her why and she said "......well it's just the way everybody else does it". I looked at her and continued stacking the dishes my way. She came back later and noted that I was still stacking dishes my way. I said "Yes, thats the way I think it is most logical and thats the way I'm doing it." She harumphed at me and left. I just wanted to poke her in the face. Mer. Why did she have to try and make me change such a stupid thing? Oh well. Good night world. I need to put more neosporin on the missing parts of finger.
Ain't Nobody My Master!
you should also go to http://omni-fusion.luun.tv/ and then to the shorts section and watch Hexidermy. It's a short with Justin Pierre from Motion City Soundtrack. Es Funny. PEACE
Extenuating Circumstances
Future Shorts
The Gift List
1. Buy my folks a house.
2. Buy Melissa's family a house.
3. Pay for a vacation to anywhere the want to go for Jessica and Kristie.
4. A vacation for my mom to Sweden to see her ancestors home.
5. Send my brother and his wife on vacation.
6. Do something HUGE for Brand New. I don't know what, but like buy them a house or a private jet or something. They have helped me out so much.
7. Send Teresa on a week long vacation to Disney World
8.Do something big for Parker's family. Maybe a trip to see them with a bunch of the FA kids.
9. A vacation for my FA family, or at least a big party for LC 1 and 2
10. A writing center and a new set of instruments for Canyon High School, a place where I became who I am.
11. A mission fund for Matthew if he ever goes. And if he's already on his mission a car for when he comes home. Something economical so he can come visit.
12. A crazy bass for Drew, or a private concert with the Aquabats.
13. A trip to Paris for my cousin Alex
14. Money for marathons for my cousin Cameron
15. A party for my bass line, Shayla Emily Tate and Andrew
16. A trip to Paris for my sister Emily.
17. A shopping spree at Beverlys and give all the money to my crew
18. A new car for Laura, something that doesn't use so much gas.
19. Tuition and debt forgiveness for Melissa.
20. A chance at a major show for my friend Rob Rolfe
21. Life long passes to bear world for Teresa, Caleb and Abbey
22. A giant stuffed Falcor for Eric Bowley
23. A copy of a book I write to Bruce Coville, one of my major influences in writing as a child.
24. A concert with Ben Kweller for Sarah Dessen, another major writing influence.
25. Something for Ann, one of my favorite EFY counselors
26. A Horse for Brandy Brooks
27. Tuition for Shayla's Bachelor Masters and Doctorate
28. Another sebatical for Jeannette
29. A tour for Kayla
30. A bus for Jet Lag Gemini
31. and many many many others. I am just too tired to go on. If only if only. Well good night world.
Word cloouudddd
Friday Fill in
My answers are in itaaaallliccccssss
1. I remember, I remember when things were so easy and I didn't have to work.
2. Dear work I want you to know I really don't want to go tonight.
3. Is that my sunburn!!???
4. I'm trying to resist the temptation of going for a night drive tonight after work.
5. I'm saving a bugly just for you!
6. If I made a birthday list a plane ticket to Chicago and an all expense paid trip to spain for Melissa and I would definitely be on it!!!
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to getting off worl, tomorrow my plans include going to magic mountain and seeing the Aquabats with Shayla and Sunday, I want to sleep in and go to church with the Embolee!
Work and such.
Now how many have you seen the movie "Holes".....waiting for you to raise your hands.... oh wait I'm on the internet, I can't actually see you. Well if you have NOT seen the movie "Holes" where have you been living and go rent it IMMEDIATELY. It's not a great movie but it has valuable lessons to teach us. One of such is when they say the 1st day is the hardest, but then correct that statement. The second day is the hardest because you worked the day before so hard and now are tired and achy from that and now have to do it all over again. As some of you may, or may not, know I started my job at the Kona Crisp this week.

Not worth your time.
BTW For all my readers go check out smithmag.net/sixwords I've become obsessed with it. 6 word memoirs or secret or whatever. Just six words to say what you want. It's an odd purifying process. I've actually got a memoir showing up in their new book "I can't keep my own secrets" plus I get a free copy of it. HECK YES! Well I'm gonna go sleep now. Thanks for letting me freak out and such.
Esteban Powell
sides of the same coin
Warped Tour SLC 2009
Of course we saw Bayside. How could we not?!? This was my 2nd time seeing them at warped tour and they were just as amazing! There is nothing better than shouting words that mean something to you and hearing 1000s of people join in right beside you. (I will expound on this idea in a later blog). Bayside has helped me and Jessica through some tough times. Singing those words they way they were meant to be sung is an amazing experience. I would have be fine if the only band we had seen was Bayside. Well worth the trip. Here is Anthony singing his little heart out!
Jessica was clenching her water bottle the whole time, and I was sipping mine every 5 seconds...it's one of my nervous habits ok!?! Well it was approaching time(8:15) to see A Day to Remember. That's right folks, it was 8...latest I've stayed at Warped yet. Well we were walking out of the backstage area and got confronted by a beautiful man! He wanted us to buy the Valencia cd(I already own it) for $2. Well we only had $1! OH DEAR! But then the Singer From Sing it Loud came up and was talking to us about it. I asked if he was from Sing it Loud and he said "That's not important right now! What is important is that you guys buy this cd!" He then asked us if we had another dollar if we would buy it. We said yes, and so he told us to stay right where we were and he would go procure another dollar. So we sat there and talked to Brendan for a bit. We discussed how we live near a town called Valencia and how he looks like Chuck Bartowskey from the show "Chuck". He's never seen the show, but now he's going to. Well by that time the guy came back and we bought the cd. He decided we needed a picture of the momentous moment we had bought a $10 cd for just $2. hahahah so we were just gonna take a picture of Brendan and Paola but it was decided all 5 of us had to be in the picture. So here we are! (Note, both guys were touching my shoulder, so if it looks like i am lonely in the middle, I am not)
After that episode we went to go see A Day to Remember. Man, what a show! 100's of kids and all of them devoted! I am not a huge ADTR fan, I like them, but not LOVE so I was kind of towards the back. The pit kept opening up right in front of me. I saw the HUGEST PIT I HAVE EVER SEEN! It was at least 30 ft by 30 ft and it kept getting bigger! This is a picture of it in it's early stages, but you can see that it is large to start with. (don't worry I will blog more about pits soon. I had a few ideas just standing there watching it)
Julie & Julia, Amanda & Art
I think Julie and Eric's relationship is just to young to truly prove how they feel about each other. That is right I'm describing these things like they actually matter, but they do matter! This movie showed that there isn't this giant chasm between celebrities and normalcy, between love and loathe, between who we are and who we want to become!
In the movie there are huge moments of doubt, meltdowns, and they are on both sides. Even the people we want to emulate are human. They worry, just like us. They doubt themselves, just like us. They are just like us. One of the most important parts of the movie to me is near the end. I don't really want to ruin it for anyone...if anyone reads this besides Jessica and Kristie, but it goes something along the lines of "the only Julia who matters is the one in your head". That is what I found the most important. Both Julie and Julia didn't care what others thought of them they sought out their own destiny. Sometimes even the people you want to meet the most and want to be just like can break all of your dreams. The actual person isn't the important one, it's the person inside your head that matters most. The person who cheers you on and encourages you, not the celebrity who is too busy for you. As someone who has met a few of their idols and hasn't been SUPER disappointed yet I know that is what is important. The voice inside of you is more important than anything they can say when they are signing your shirt.
......so yeah, that was a long blog. Well I'm off to bed, tomorrow is warped tour. Then home to the good old canyon country to find a job. Mer. Goodnight world. and don't forget
Btw, it made me really want to learn to cook. :(
Gaia question for the day

Every line is about who I don't wanna write about anymore.
The Assembly Line
Assembly Line Playlist by Manders on MySpace Music - Play Playlist Songs & Download Tracks
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You can't make me blog! I'm on vacation!
3. Rolling down the windows while driving